Our take on the role of AI in product design development, and other creative fields, right now.

The consequences of this technology on the near future are yet to be seen, but it is likely that it will help designers become more pro-efficient by allowing them to work with AI tools like calculators, which can generate accurate designs quickly. It is also possible that humans and AI will co-exist in some form, as designers use their creativity and innovation while relying on the accuracy of AI tools.

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ISALONI 22 - A premiere that's been pushed for a while

Now, as we are back in Portugal its time to take a step back and look at everything that led us to this frenetic but fantastic design days. This year was special due to the back to normality after all the “pause” made by the Covid restrictions. Also new partnerships that resulted in the products we presented, many of which represented quite a “marriage” with these brands adapting our style to their DNA.

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