Kaleidoscope at EXD 15

I could say that I’ve been occupied, and too busy to write in the past few months, but the truth is that I was afraid. 


There was a lot on my mind lately, and I must say I wasn’t used to deal with this kind of pressure on my own. Even knowing that I had all my friends supporting me I couldn’t sleep right or think right, because all my focus was on the problems that needed solving. The production of a commissioned piece and the Kaleidoscope, the preparations of an exhibition for the beginning of 2016, a new catalogue, new pieces for a lighting brand ... and more. I was so afraid to screw all this up that I isolated myself from everything else. It’s been quite a crazy ride so far but I’m thankful for these challenges. And that’s because of days like this last Thursday, when you feel that everything you’ve done, right and wrong, was worth it.

Six years ago I was on a School trip to Lisbon, with a new class, and new friends that I didn’t knew that well, so it wasn’t such a great ride for me, but when we got there it all changed. I was visiting my first EXD, in 2009, with the theme TIMELESS, and I fell in love with everything I saw, especially the exhibition in the MUDE museum. Like everyone I thought to myself “It must be such a great feeling to have your creations exhibited like this for everyone to see and appreciate it”. It was my first touch with a design exhibition so well curated. This amazing space was full of pieces from different authors, it was an “WOW” moment in my life. Two years later I went there again, as a student but on my own to see this fantastic exhibition at my own pace. Again I loved it, and this time I could better understand this world after two years of  design studies. Sadly I missed the one in 2013 because my professional life didn’t gave me the opportunity to go. But now four years later here I am exhibiting a piece with my name on it for this fantastic exhibition, becoming a part of such a great cultural event. All that I hope is that my work alongside with all these great designers will influence people like myself in 2009 to follow their own dreams. 

Now I know that being afraid isn’t something bad, every time we’re out of our comfort zone we’re in the verge of doing something unique and remarkable even if there is a chance to fail, if we push over and succeed, all is worth it. I’m really proud of what I’ve achieved in one year, and I’m already making plans for the next years, but for now I will enjoy the moment.