PICO | Suspension at the XXI Triennale
It was great honor to be part of the Portuguese participation at the XXI Triennale International Exhibition Milan 2016, the New Practices in Design exhibition module is presented at Leonardo da Vinci National Science and Technology Museum. And I had the great chance to visit the exhibition during my visit to the Milan Design Week.
Novas Práticas do Design [New Practices in Design] stems from a set of radical questions, framed within a critical, contemporary reflection on the social effectiveness of design, as put forth by the Milan Triennial commissioner’s office. Who designs? For whom is it designed? How is it designed? Why is it designed?
Assuming that such questions, once renewed, raise renewed answers, this exhibition module, curated by José Bártolo, brings together 13 projects deemed to represent emerging project forms that are part of Portuguese design, through which topics such as authorship, production, participation, and political economics of design, can be thought out.
Invited Designers:
André Teoman, Fernando Brízio, Galula, Joana Santos Barbosa, Jorge Carreira, Luís Nascimento, Manuel Amaral Netto, Marco Sousa Santos, Martinho Pita, Raul Cunca, Samuel Reis, Susana Soares, Toni Grilo, Vitor Agostinho
They even gave me the chance to show my original drawings of the piece... but the description was wrong its not Ambar it's Pico and it was not the Table Lamp it was the Suspension.
13 Habitats (image bellow) - 13 interviews carried out at the daily whereabouts of great personalities regarding national architecture.
Adalberto Dias, Alexandre Alves Costa, Álvaro Siza, Eduardo Souto de Moura, Gonçalo Byrne, João Mendes Ribeiro, José Adrião, José Carlos Loureiro, João Luís Carrilho da Graça, José Manuel Carvalho Araújo, Manuel Aires Mateus, Manuel Graça Dias, and Sérgio Fernandez, all reveal themselves in an intimate conversation, while expressing their own desire to inhabit.
I think all the exhibitions from the Portuguese programming at the 21st Milan International Triennial was great! Looks cool, professional and I think its great all the world can see a bit of the Portuguese creativity in a city that during this week is the main stop to all design professionals and its one of the main European metropolitans. For more information visit the http://milan2016.esad.pt/ .