
Designer André Teoman takes on a new approach on welding, creating a series of metal objects named Soldita. Inspired in techniques of aesthetic enhancement of the human body such as modern Tattoo’s and ancient Scarification rituals, the welding transforms plain metal surfaces into objects of adornment.
Soldita breaks the preconceived idea that some materials are limited to be used for a single purpose and that beauty can only be found in perfection. Soldita makes us think about welding not just as a technique that unites structures but also as a creative vehicle that turns mundane objects into something special by creating perfectly imperfect pieces. Just as tattoos or scarification use the body as a surface for the imprint of culture, the whole series tells the story of earth, fire, water and wind, the four primary elements, all needed to work metals since the medieval ages. All of this made in a way that from a distance it simply looks like a classic pattern, however in a second more attentive observation the contemporary elements will pop up. “I wanted to simulate what tattoo artists do by drawing on a piece of furniture and making it storytelling and long lasting. And at the same time giving a new and fresh approach to a timeless technique such as welding.” The name of the series came from the combination of two Portuguese words, Solda (Weld) + Bonita (Beautiful) resulting in Soldita.
The idea came to life during the first pandemic lockdown. The designers love for drawing combined with the ease with which the producer, a local friend, worked welding in architectural structures made the whole project possible without needing to leave the county.