Salone Satellite

Salone Satellite
In a week where all design professionals and enthusiasts are looking at only one city, it was a great opportunity and responsibility to have my little corner at Salone Satellite after being selected by the organization. Like before I wanted my space to be visually attractive and all the concepts and stories behind the pieces easily understandable. In my stand I was presenting the Kaleidoscope Table, The Zoo Collection, Pico Lamp, and the novelties Ode to a Pig, Not for Sale sign, Buuh Poufs, and the Modern Gargoyle in the award area.
We live in a time where everything is reason to share with your friends on social media. And that's an opportunity to get your work spread around. So it was always my intention to at least have one strong frame that would be highly photograped and shared. I can say that most people that visited my stand took the photo that I wanted them to take. If they shared it or not that I'll never know, but I've found at least some of them on instagram.