RE_DE a lamp made from recycled fishing nets

the project has been conceived in an effort to provide a new use for the countless nets and nylon threads that pile up on beaches and get lost in the sea. as these filaments become microparticles later, the become potentially dangerous, killing animals and destroying the food chain.

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HANDLE WITH CARE - Portuguese Projects

Opening of the collective exhibition "Handel with care - portuguese projects" organized by the Center Culturel Portugais - Camões do Luxemburgo, within the framework of Design City of Luxembourg, a collaboration with Mudam - Luxembourg. Musee D'art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean.

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Tesouros de Barro | Treasure Clay - New Solo Exhibition

The little treasure-hunting stories, the mysterious maps that come out from inside green bottles, the pirate's blades covering their eyes, the wooden leg, are very intricate in ours childhood memories.

The clay pieces by André Teoman, present in the exhibition "Tesouros de Barro", seem to evoke these "mementos".

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TENDENCE | Messe Frankfurt

André Teoman Studio presented two experimental novelties, Jack, a lamp family and Rapunzel, a full body wall mirror at Tendence. Besides the novelties you could also find the Zoo Collection and the Pico lamps at the studio booth at the Talents area Stand D81 in Hall 9. This is the fair where retailers and buyers from large trading organizations come to order the must-haves for a successful autumn/winter season and the coming spring/summer 2019. 

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Jack and the Diamonds

A visual insight about the story behind the Jack lamp family.

“F**K all these cables” – said Jack! (and everyone that  uses electronic devices)

In a time where we need electric cables for everything and get tangled with them, Jack stages the problem of cable chaos in a humorous way, instead of hiding it. This lamp family can be rearranged and even composed as you wish since the object and the cable interact in all different sorts of ways depending on how you compose the mesh.

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Andre TeomanComment
How was the Salone Satellite?

In a week where all design professionals and enthusiasts are looking at only one city, it was a great opportunity and responsibility to have my little corner at Salone Satellite after being selected by the organization. Like before I wanted my space to be visually attractive and all the concepts and stories behind the pieces easily understandable. In my stand I was presenting the Kaleidoscope Table, The Zoo Collection, Pico Lamp, and the novelties Ode to a Pig, Not for Sale sign, Buuh Poufs, and the Modern Gargoyle in the award area.

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Happy Campaign | Best of 2016

André Teoman Studio presents a closing 2016 campaign with “fun for your home”. Selecting the best sellers of 2016 the studio’s intention was to give them a genuine feel of their concept and tells the story behind the piece in one frame combined with their usual sense of humor. 

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