The Zoo Collection | Inspiring Portugal | Tent London

"Inspiring Portugal aims to showcase the contemporary design scene of a country where art and history have always walked hand-in-hand. Represented by 25 individual design companies."

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Pico - HANDLE WITH CARE" - at SHOWME Gallery

Once again at the beacon of artistic design in Portugal, SHOWME Gallery, exhibits my work, this time a pair of Pico lamp part of an exhibition that involves glass projects by young Portuguese designers.

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PICO | Suspension at the XXI Triennale

It was great honor to be part of the Portuguese participation at the XXI Triennale International Exhibition Milan 2016, the New Practices in Design exhibition module is presented at Leonardo da Vinci National Science and Technology Museum.

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Kaleidoscope at EXD 15

There was a lot on my mind lately, and I must say I wasn’t used to deal with this kind of pressure on my own. Even knowing that I had all my friends supporting me I couldn’t sleep right or think right, because all my focus was on the problems that needed solving. The production of a commissioned piece and the Kaleidoscope, the preparations of an exhibition for the beginning of 2016, a new catalogue, new pieces for a lighting brand ... and more. 

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Há uns tempos atrás fui abordado por três estudantes (Ana Passos; Jessica Costa; Margarida Novais) de Design de Ambientes do IPVC-ESTG para uma entrevista sobre o meu trabalho focando no Chartres com o objectivo de um trabalho para a unidade curricular de Teoria do Design. Após algum tempo de responder a estas perguntas pertinentes achei que seria interessante partilhar a entrevista visto que o resultado final foi bastante satisfatório.

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Andre Teoman Comment